Wanna drive more traffic to your eCommerce store and improve conversions?

FAC WooCommerce Changelog


2022.08.08 – version 4.0
* Feature : Updated 3DS version 1 to 3DS version 2.
* Feature : Security updates.

2021.09.20 – version 3.7
* Feature : Updated KOUNT security feature to the latest version.
* Feature : Updated date field to be able to process autosaved cards from the browser. Accepting MM/YYYY and modifying it to MM/YY.
* Feature : Added the ability to update credit card details for recurring transactions.
* Feature : Invaild transactions will now be failed and redirected to the checkout page to retry the transaction.

2021.02.01 – version 3.6
* Feature : Added the card type and auth code to the order receipt email.
* Feature : Security updates
* Feature : Tokenization review
* Feature : Added Spanish error messages to faciliate spanish speaking clients

2020.09.29 – version 3.5
* Feature : Added the ablility to use 3D Secure functionality with Subscription products without the use of a Hosted Payment Page(HPP).
* Feature : Customized the order receipt and order receipt email to meet FAC’s requirements.
* Feature : Jamaican KeyCard can now be accepted without the use of a hosted payment page.

2020.02.12 – version 3.4
* Feature : Added the ability to use AMEX cards with onsite checkout. Clients are no longer required to us the Hosted Payment Page(HPP) if they wish to accept AMEX cards on their website.

2018.08.09 – version 3.0

  • Code overhaul to ensure compatibility with FAC’s TLS1.2 requirement ensuring the security of all transactions.
  • 2. Updated Kount Integration to ensure proper reversals of transaction that are declined by Kount’s fraud scanners.
  • Support for WooCommerce Automatic Recurring Subscriptions with and without 3D Secure Verification
  • Tighter integration with Kount and Hosted Payment Pages
  • Fixed license key breaking whenever WordPress/WooCommerce updates

2017.05.08 – version 2.2

  • Updated plugin to support WooCommerce 3.x
  • Fix: Admin slow down issue with latest WordPress/WooCommerce update

2017.02.20 – version 2.1

  • Updated Kount support with added documentation within the plugin settings
  • Fixed hosted payment page 3d Secure redirection issue
  • Fixed expiry date length issue
  • Updated AVS functionality to remove address data from transaction code if it isn’t required

2016.09.01 – version 2.0

  • Feature: Removed XML Parser requirement. Plugin now only needs PHP 5.4+ to work.
  • Feature: Added support for WooCommerce Pre-Orders
  • Feature: Added support for WooCommerce Subscriptions automatic payments
  • Feature: Added English and Spanish language options
  • Feature: Added “Powered by FAC” option to show the FAC logo on the website front end
  • Fix: Performance issues with the plugin
  • Fix: Minor enhancements and bug fixes

2016.05.24 – version 1.0.7

  • Fix: Display proper error messages when 3D Secure is enabled.

2016.05.16 – version

  • Fix: Updated front-end form validation to ensure correct data capture in Internet Explorer.

2016.04.26 – version 1.0.6

  • Fix : Added proper error messages when transactions fail or are declined.
  • Fix : Updated validation on card number, CVV and expiry date fields.
  • Removed PHP 5.6 requirement.
  • Fix : Solved an error which caused cancelled orders to redirect users to the login page.

2016.01.22 – version 1.0.5

  • Fixed an Error which passed BillToState as a parameter even when purchase was outside of the USA.

2015.12.18 – version 1.0.3

  • Feature : Added Hosted Payment Page(HPP) transaction.
  • Feature : Added Address Verification(AVS) transaction.
  • Fix : Display invalid card, invalid expiry and invalid CVV message.

2015.11.25 – version 1.0.2

  • Feature : Added Authorize and Capture transaction for 3DS.
  • Feature :Added Capture transaction from Woo-Commerce admin side.

2015.11.10 – version 1.0.1

  • Feature : Added recurring payment for subscription product.
  • Feature : Added tokenize transaction for faster checkout.

2015.10.26 – version 1.0.0

  • First Release